Very recently I learned the difference between Coaching and Mentoring.  It’s something I thought I had been doing for a long time.  In fact, both.  Is it important?  Yes, I believe so.  It is a very subtle, yet significant distinction that I felt could be better highlighted as there are so many so called “Mentors” and “Coaches” out there.  Who do we listen to?  Who do we believe?  Is a Coach or Mentor’s training important?  And to some, none of this may be important and to others, it will be crucial.

So when would we seek the services of a Coach or a Mentor?  Well firstly, let’s define exactly what a Coach is and is not.  A Coach is someone who partners with their clients via a thought provoking and creative process that inspires the client to maximize their own personal and professional potential.  So what exactly does that mean?  Coaching involves dialogue between the Coach and the client with the primary aim being to assist the client to obtain the most ideal life that the client sees for themself.  This is achieved by supporting the client in establishing what is important to them and doing this through firstly clarifying their values.  With the client’s active input throughout the process, the Coach co-creates goals for and with the client together with a road map to achieving them.  Through collaboration, the Coach then supports the client in achieving these goals – so long as they are agreed with both parties.

Coaches provide an ongoing partnership specifically designed to assist their clients in realizing the results they are seeking in both their personal and professional lives.  Coaches help their clients improve their performance in the area the client wishes to improve and enhance the quality and enjoyment of the client’s life.  Coaches are trained primarily to listen, to observe and customize and facilitate a transformational approach to individual client requirements.  The solutions and strategies come from the client – the Coach is merely the conduit.  Coaches believe that their clients are the creative and resourceful person in the Coach-Client relationship and therefore the Coach’s part of that relationship is providing the space  to support and bring forth the skills, resourcefulness and creativity the client already possesses.

Coaching explores change via questioning.  Coaching supports clients to identify, clarify and set goals for themselves.  Coaching encourages the client to commit to action.  Coaching encourages the client to constant personal improvement.  Coaches give their clients the space to look at their individual challenges from a fresh new perspective and empowers them to be the best version of themselves that they can possibly be.  Phew!  Long winded, but succinct.  There are still many out there that are not completely aware of what exactly coaching is, so hopefully I have shed some light.

So now we know what Coaches are, what are Coaches not?  Coaches are NOT therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, psychotherapists or counsellors.  Coaches will, however, know when to refer their clients on to these particular mental health professionals.  Coaches focus on the here and now and the future – mental health professionals tend to focus on unresolved issues from the past that holds their client up from moving forward in their lives.

So now we will examine what a Mentor is.  And sorry to say, but this will be short.  A Mentor is purely someone who is an experienced expert in their chosen field.  So for instance a Mentor at Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers is typically someone who has already lost a lot of weight and knows the journey their client is about to embark on intimately.  A business mentor is a successful entrepreneur.  So how do we mesh the two together to allow you the reader the opportunity to decide which is going to be better suited to your individual needs?  Simple.  If you are looking to be empowered to find your own solutions and really do need that separate entity to keep you accountable during your journey, then a Coach is definitely for you.  If you are looking for someone who has walked the exact path you wish to embark on and need somewhat of a road map to show you the precise actions to take to get you to where they are, a Mentor is the way to go.

Who am I?  I’m both.  Although I am not all things to all people and I never set out to be.  My advice, however, remain teachable.  Allow others to take you by the hand and guide you to that better life you know you deserve.  If success were easy – everyone would be already and none of  us have all the answers.  Be humble enough to admit to that and allow a Coach or Mentor to guide you to a more fulfilled life.