I know this may sound like a trick question, but hear me out.  You may or may not have heard the very famous quote from Henry Ford – “whether you believe you can or cannot, either way you are right.”  And it is so incredibly true.  I’m a guest judge at the Motivating Mum – Brilliant Biz Mum Awards (http://www.motivatingmum.com/events/brilliant-biz-mum-awards ) of course judging the MLM category.  After reading through all of the entries, I certainly noticed one curiously similar theme with all these amazing women.  When they got started they had little to no self-belief.  Some might say it didn’t matter, others might say their success was due to other factors such as skill-set, previous sales experience etc etc.  I would argue it actually has everything to do with self-belief and I’ll tell you why.

With women in particular, having an ego is just not a thing.  It’s not the done thing to show how confident you are.  These days showing one’s vulnerability is much more widely accepted and relatable.  It’s how women really support one another.  Now I don’t for one minute doubt these women’s sincerity, however what I truly think is that they did have some degree of self-belief, albeit small.  If they didn’t, they would not have begun, continued on, persisted through thick and thin, talked to as many people as they did and climbed the ranks as they did.  You see, no-one else can give you self-belief – only you are able to find it for yourself, within yourself.

Immersing yourself in the right environment such as a group of success-minded, positive, go-getters will certainly foster a stronger likelihood of being able to truly develop and solidify any tiny amount of self-belief you already had.  I certainly appreciate that many who get started in MLM have the attitude of “giving it a go and seeing what happens”.  You see – that’s not really self-belief.  The definition of self-belief in the Collins Dictionary is:  “confidence in oneself and one’s ability”.  If we are talking about this from a Law of Attraction context, if someone had confidence in other areas of their life, then that is all that is required as it’s the vibration that matters most.  Like always attracts like.  So some self-belief will always attract more of it.  It’s just how the Universe/God/Spirit works.

According to an article by Eduard Ezeanu of “People Skills Decoded”, self-belief will help you see opportunities.  Well that explains why someone would get started.  Self-belief facilitates finding creative solutions.  Well that too explains someone getting started as more often than not we all needed to get creative in finding the money to get started, didn’t we?  Not all of us just had that money lying around.  Self-belief stimulates action and persistence.  That explains their continuity in their MLM/Network Marketing business.  Self-belief makes others more responsive.  Again, like attracts like, so whomever they got started with was attracted to them.  There are no accidents in life.  In developing self-belief – again according to Eduard Ezeanu, it’s necessary to set bold but realistic goals, learn to recognize your accomplishments, cut back on comparing yourself to others and finally the willingness to develop yourself.

Going back to Henry Ford’s quote “whether you believe you can or cannot, either way you are right”.  I believe that success leaves clues.  And self-belief is definitely a major part in achieving success in MLM.  No matter how big or small it is, just so long as you have some.  And it doesn’t matter what aspect of your life you already have self-belief in.  What’s important that you can remain in that energy state so that are able to attract more.  It’s fundamental to not only success in business, but in life broadly.  We not have walked as toddlers had we not had any.  We would not have applied for jobs.  We would not have pursued to allowed other spouse’s to pursue us.  So we all have it.  Whether we apply it to other aspects of our lives, is entirely up to us.

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