Sorry if that sounds cynical, but sadly it’s true.  It’s like we have been subliminally programmed to believe that if we, by the wave of some magic fairy’s wand, will achieve all of our hopes, wishes and dreams by believing that the New Year will deliver that all to us and more.  The fact is without a proper plan in place – it just ain’t gonna happen.

To be fair, I haven’t the faintest clue as to where the notion of “New Years Resolutions” came from initially.  All I know is practically every single person I know sets out to be a better person and achieve more everytime January 1 comes along.  It’s kind of like buying one lottery ticket and truly believing that you will win millions.  The odds are pretty much stacked against you.  I think if it was all that easy, the world would be a very, very different place.  Most people – generally – (and I am talking generally to the 98%ers) are in exactly the same place – or have gone backwards – than where they were five years ago.  Look around you.  Do you have friends in the same jobs, living in the same houses, doing the exact same things and have done so for an extended period of time.  Now I’m not suggesting we should all get divorces and move house every five years.  However, we are not trees either.  We were not designed to stay still.  We were designed to thrive and grow and prosper.

I do truly believe that most people really do err to the side of positivity.  Yeah okay, there are those terminal whingers – and yeah – they get around.  But really, they are in the minority.  People generally do believe that good will prevail.  Unfortunately, however, most believe that it happens by some sort of magic and only a few are chosen.  They don’t fully appreciate that they are the grand designers of their own lives and experiences and outcomes.  It’s always easier to blame our life situations on external forces.  And sadly we are becoming more and more a society that points the finger away from ourselves for everything – lacking responsibility and accountability.  If you don’t believe me on that one, try ‘accidentally’ hitting another car with yours.  Or be on the receiving end and listen to all of the ‘reasons’ as to why it wasn’t their fault.  Australia is, statistically, the most litigious country in the world per capita of population.  Everyone just runs around suing everyone else if they perceive some wrongdoing has been done to them.  We’ve all heard the stories, right?  It’s like have developed this collective conscious of having our hand out and receiving without actually earning it.

So don’t let the scenario above be you.  And why use January 1 to set goals and make plans?  This is absolutely something you should be doing on a yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily basis.  Remember the old cliché – failing to plan is planning to fail.  And it’s right.  Sometimes you just have to break down a goal to daily bite size chunks.  It’s not enough to simply say I want to earn a million dollars in 2016 without having an effective, workable, measurable and specific plan and with a deadline attached.  It’s nice to have wants but unless you actually take action on them, your wants are not going to simply fall in your lap.  Many have criticized the movie “The Secret” for focussing too much on the visualizing part, leaving out the taking action.  There is mention of it in the movie, however not really emphasized.  And sadly this is where most people’s “New Years Resolutions” come apart.  They simply make the declaration to the Universe/God/Spirit (whatever you believe in) and don’t back it up with a plan and action.

The best suggestion I can make for a New Years Resolution is to set tangible goals for 2016.  I haven’t written all of mine down as yet, however my three biggest ones are to complete further study, buy a high performance sports car and motorbike and take my best friend to Paris.  Hefty goals yes.  However, I have a very specific plan on how I am going to achieve off of this and more.  So write down your goals – for the year and quarterly goals, monthly goals, weekly goals and daily goals.  Break down how you are going to achieve something by creating a roadmap.  Similar to planning a holiday – you create map on how you are going to reach your destination.  Goals are precisely the same.  And this is meant to be fun.  I mean you are the Creator of your world –  no-one else.  If you need a goal setting blueprint, message me for a free Strategy Session where we can talk more about this.  Happy New Year everyone and I’d love to hear what your hefty goals are for 2016.  Let’s do this!


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