These are 25 points I have lived my life by since I was 16 years old. It was then that I decided I really wasn’t like everyone else I went to school with – I always felt like I was “different” but not in a good way. By the time I turned 16, I accepted that I was okay with that and happy to move in a unorthodox, unconventional route. I was happy in my “different” skin. I’m going to share with you 25 points that I actually read from the back of Adelaide bus tickets back in the 80s (now no adding on my age there – okay?). These are a selection of my favourites. Feel free to type them up, copy them out, put them on your wall, in your wallet, on your bathroom mirror and learn how to adapt them to your lifestyle and be prepared to be amazed. Have fun!!

  1. Action cures fear.
  2. To think confidently, act confidently.
  3. Think success.
  4. Believe in yourself.
  5. Think and believe BIG.
  6. Be interested, interesting and enthusiastic.
  7. Stickability is 95% of ability.
  8. My attitudes are more important than my intelligence.
  9. Don’t be a wishful thinker and rely on good luck.
  10. Be a front seater.
  11. Make eye contact.
  12. Walk 25% faster.
  13. Speak up.
  14. Smile big.
  15. Put only positive thoughts into my memory.
  16. Put people into property perspective – we are more alike than different.
  17. Follow your conscience.
  18. To think big, use words and phrases which produces big, positive images.
  19. Become known as a person who always feels great.
  20. Petty “cut him down” language eventually cuts you down.
  21. Use positive language when talking about and encouraging others.
  22. Compliment and praise others.
  23. Promise victory – win support.
  24. Build castles – don’t dig graves.
  25. Look at things not as they are – but as they can be.

Some are simple. Some require a bit more consideration. Tomorrow I’ll have another 25 for you. Feel free to share your thoughts on these.

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