Hi I’m

Fiona J Lindsay

I am passionate about empowering Network Marketers to master their mind and marketing, boom their branding, sell and duplicate confidently and train and lead powerfully using free and low cost social media methods.




At the risk of sounding like a broken down record here, life is busier than ever for more people than ever before, is it not?  People are rushing around, barely looking up from their smartphones even when crossing the street.  It’s almost as though we are all...



I guess if you are my generation (Gen X) this will probably resonate with you.  If you’re a bit younger, maybe not.  But when you get older, you tend to become more reflective.  Probably because you have more to reflect on.  I realized quite recently how long I’ve...

Yale or Jail

Yale or Jail

Many people get started in Network Marketing without communication skills, without marketing knowledge, without any understanding of personal development, without leadership experience and without any prior business expertise.  In fact, I would say most.  It has only...

Your Income Follows Your Personal Growth.

Your Income Follows Your Personal Growth.

I know, I know, I know!!!  You’ve heard it a million times before.  From your upline.  From your company executives.  From all manner of trainers.  But do you really get it?  I mean really, really understand what it means exactly?  To be honest, I thought I had it...

Starting Strong

Starting Strong

Now I will admit to being a lazy slacker.  I have been known to sleep in until between 8 and 9am.  I’ve also been known to wander around the house aimlessly until Midday.  I’ve avoided making calls.  I’ve put off doing stuff.  But I mean, HAVEN’T WE ALL???  I think...

Obsessed or Lazy?

Obsessed or Lazy?

Don’t we hear the strangest quotes on Facebook sometimes?  Yesterday I was reading someone posting a quote suggesting that only lazy people view people up to something as “obsessed”.  I thought it was a little severe to be honest and I’ll share with you why. The last...