Just recently it came to me that it would be really beneficial not only to me physically and spiritually but to my immediate family for me to take a retreat for a weekend.  If you are in anyway religious, you will understand that sometimes you need to just listen to the guidance you are shown.  I haven’t the faintest idea why it came to me, but I listened and took action.  So I’m about to do that this weekend.

Today I decided that I would just take a day of reflection and what a hugely liberating experience it has been, not to mention revealing some hidden truths.  If you didn’t already know, I am a Christian and I firmly believe in a season of famine and a season of feast.  Looking back on my life, I found a very distinct pattern.  And that is – for me – I have appeared to have experienced 14 years of feast followed by 7 years of famine.  Interestingly, reflecting back over my entire life, it became clear that the last 7 years of my life have by far been my worst!  That really was a huge surprise to me.  But you know what?  I got so excited when I realized that the next 14 years are going to be amazing.  I have found that with every 14 years of my life that have been good, the next 14 years that are good are even better than the last!  And so now that is my belief, I expect it to be that way.

So now I am fully preparing that the next 14 years of my life are going to be the absolute best 14 years of my entire life.  How empowering that is to just to make that declaration!  And I feel that for the first time in my entire life, I don’t feel cluttered, I don’t feel compelled to do anything in particular, I don’t feel stress or worry or anxiety.  So more so than any other time in my life, I feel I am fully ready to experience a proper retreat.

I have chosen to do this retreat with Nuns in a Convent – I mean where else are you going to find more peace and tranquility right?  I’ve known these particular Nuns for most of my life but that’s beside the point really.  I’m looking forward to just getting away from the ‘busyness’ of my home and though I love my family deeply and dearly – just to quieten my mind I think is going to be the greatest benefit.  But it will certainly be fascinating to see if that is exactly what I do get out of it.  I suspect it will actually be something quite different.  And I could have booked myself into a Hotel for the weekend, but I know how distracted I would have been with room service, tv, computers, phones, local shops and restaurants etc etc etc.  Not to mention a lack of peace and quiet.  Where I am going – there is none of that.  Obviously I will be taking my mobile phone with me (I am pregnant and experiencing complications so clearly my partner needs to know I’m okay) so I will need to be mindful of using it.  I will have it on silent the entire time and won’t be checking it as constantly as I do during the week.

But I have to say – I’m excited.  I’m excited from a physical point of view – just not having to be anywhere or do anything.  I’m excited from a mental point of view – quietening my mind.  I’m excited from a spiritual point of view – when my mind is quiet, I tend to hear my God speaking directly to me.  And from a psychological point of view – I am quite simply looking forward to feeling renewed, re-energized, re-inspired, re-ignited, re-invigorated and refreshed.

I encourage you to also consider a retreat – do a Google Search and find some at least an hour away from where you live.  Go somewhere you have never been before.  Maybe it’s a day spa or a spiritual retreat or a holistic retreat, religious retreat, yoga camp – whatever appeals to you the most.  But I definitely highly recommend spending some time every once in a while to just reflect and BE QUIET!!  You may find out a whole lot about yourself that you didn’t know, you may even find yourself connecting or re-connecting to the Universe and/or God in a way that may surprise you.  With all of the constant screaming ‘busyness’ of our lives, taking time out every once in a while is the most natural way to cleanse oneself of the day to day dramas of life and develop new perspectives that we would not have otherwise recognized.  Better than Xanax and Valium any day of the week I would say.  Leave me your comments of your experiences.  Love to hear them!

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