This concept was discussed on a recent internal training call and I immediately resonated with it and felt the urge to elaborate on this amazing concept further.  I will do my best to explain this as I understand it as the person discussing this I feel probably has a better grasp of it than me.  But it’s definitely something that could potentially be life transforming.

Our lives are made up of many moving parts but when it comes to us feeling as though we are succeeding in life, there are only a few things to know.  The main concept being we are our thoughts.  And without looking to much into where our thoughts come from because that is a rabbit warren right there.  Things happen in life but only our thoughts make them so.  If you look at a car accident, you will always get a completely different point of view from every single person involved.  It always fascinated me when I worked in car insurance.  The same exact event can be quite different through different eyes.  Same goes for life.  We are only as successful as we feel we are.  People around us can see us as successful, but if we feel we are not, then guess what?  We’re not.  That is our reality.

But what if we broke up our lives in pie pieces.  Let’s take our relationships for example.  How do you feel about your relationships and friendships?  Do you feel that the people in your life have your back?  Do you regularly have a good time with those around you?  If so, that is something you can pat yourself on the back for and feel contented, satisfied and fulfilled.  And so the upward spiral begins.

Let’s look at finances.  You just got a pay increase.  You finally secured that client you’ve been trying to secure for months’.  You saw you have more money saved than you thought and had some spare to invest.  Go you!!  Once again, the upward spiral continues.

Other aspects of your life like career, overall life satisfaction, health, love life, your goals and dreams, spirituality and creativity and fun could be aspects of your life that you look at closer also.  Consider how satisfied, fulfilled and contented you are with each of this aspects of your life.  Maybe rate them on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being not at all satisfied and 10 being completely satisfied.  This is a great exercise to revisit every 3 months’ I find.  In fact, I share this with my clients via a pie chart and drawing a line.  It highlights pretty quickly which aspects of your life are a bit out of whack and once you look at the pie, it can actually look like a bit of a rickety wheel.  And that is completely normal.  The thing to focus on is constant improvement.

For me personally this year, I’ve been on a journey of weight loss.  Not that I had a lot to lose in all fairness but I’ve really struggled getting off the small amount I had set myself as a goal to start the year.  I’m currently 1kg off my goal which is super awesome, but also super challenging.  Like digging for gold, right?  My point is that I have been celebrating the small wins and the fact that I haven’t yet finished the job, means I still have work to do.  But I have managed to lose 7kg and kept it off all year which is super amazing.  And so I celebrate that – the upward spiral keeps going.

What is most important is your internal feedback loop.  Do you encourage and motivate yourself to keep going and finish the job?  Or do you give up part way through – almost when you’ve hit that gold vein?  You know the meme, right?  In the words of Mel Robbins – “no-one’s coming”.  No-one is coming to motivate you, celebrate with you, discipline you, push you.  All of that comes from you and only you.  And the best bit is that get to control that upward spiral.  When you see wins in one aspect of your life, it becomes so much easier to transfer that same energy that took to achieve that win to another aspect of your life.  How cool is that?  I’ve been winning with my weight loss and with getting my sleep routine back in check.  So I’ve been able to translate that to the tennis court and have been having some super awesome wins.

Give this a go for yourself.  No, don’t just try it out.  Actually make a decision to do it.  Focus on one area of your life and really go for it and succeed at it.  Then use that energy to upward spiral into other areas of your life and watch your life change dramatically.  Now I get this won’t happen overnight and seriously, if it did, I’d be concerned.  The Law of Attraction always takes time.  But it will be so worth it in watching your entire world unfold for the positive.  I’d love to hear your experience with this, so drop me a line and allow me to share it.  It’s so much fun!