Confusing? Well it need not be. You see each of the words health, wealth, wellness and success are inextricably linked. Depending on where you sit on the “Emotional Guidance Scale” will determine your own perception of each. For instance, if you are in a negative vibration the majority of the time such as sadness or anger, then you certainly are not going to feel healthy, wealthy, well or successful are you? Alternatively, if your vibration is predominantly in a positive state such as joy, then these elements will appear easily and effortlessly. Allow me to further explain. What is health exactly? The dictionary definition is:

  1. “The general condition of the body or mind with reference to soundness and vigor: good health; poor health;
  2. Soundness of body or mind; freedom from disease or ailment: to have one’s health; to lose one’s health;
  3. A polite or complimentary wish for a person’s health, happiness, etc., especially as a toast: We drank a health to our guest or honor;
  4. Vigor; vitality: economic health.”

Recent scientific studies have proven that the prolonged emotional experience of sadness will trigger physical ‘sickness’ in the body and that many illnesses can in fact be linked to habitual ways of feeling and thinking. Have you ever noticed yourself getting a headache and depending on your mood, whether or not it sticks around or even worsens? I have actually managed to stave off migraines that I used to get simply by focussing my attention on something positive and I no longer suffer as I used to. I used to experience migraines monthly that would put me in bed for days having to draw curtains to shield me from light and with nausea. My predominant feeling around them was one of fear, distress and submission (not to mention anything to get out of going to my crappy job at the time). Now my focus is to overcome them as fast as possible! Health is not merely the absence of illness and or disease. It’s much more than that. It’s a state of mind where everything is in balance or as the dictionary explained as “soundness”.

So now let’s turn our attention to wealth and its dictionary definition:

  1. A great quantity or store of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches: the wealth of a city;
  2. An abundance or profusion of anything; plentiful amount: a wealth of imagery;
  3. Rich or valuable contents or produce: the wealth of the soil;
  4. The state of being rich; prosperity; affluence: persons of wealth and standing.

This can be quite subjective for many people, however there is a very common misconception that wealth is exclusively associated with the accumulation of money and assets. Now I am not saying that anything is right or wrong – as I pointed out it is merely what people believe to be true for them, however wealth is much, much greater than just numbers on a balance sheet and that is only but one perspective (there are actually four according to the dictionary). My understanding of wealth is a vast and deep emotional state of abundance. I feel extremely wealthy, however some may look at my bank balance and say that it is simply not true. Robert Kiyosaki measures wealth by the amount of days one can survive without the reliance on a pay cheque. So what he is saying is that if you have $100k in the bank and you require $10k per month to live on, then your wealth is 10 months. An interesting perspective wouldn’t you say? Now I am not trying to make Robert right or wrong, it’s just his understanding of the concept and his way of communicating it. To me wealth goes hand in hand with health. It’s a balanced perspective of life. Wealth is feeling fulfilment, happiness, contentment, joy, passion, enthusiasm and zest for life and I feel purely focussing on the financial element is missing the bigger picture. Now onto wellness and again the dictionary definition:

  1. The quality or state of being health in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort;
  2. An approach to healthcare that emphasizes preventing illness and prolonging life, as opposed to emphasizing treating diseases.

Can you now see how the three are linked? The major distinction in all three is purely the state of mind. In health it’s vitality, in wealth it’s abundance, in wellness it’s state of mind. So let’s now look at success to complete the picture.

  1. The favourable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavours;
  2. The attainment of wealth, position, honours or the like;
  3. A successful performance or achievement: The play was an instant success;
  4. A person or thing that is successful: She was a great success on the talk show.
  5. Outcome.

Notice the words “prosperous” and “wealth”?
If we consider everything we have discussed here from an MLM/Network Marketing perspective, I think you will agree with me that the experience of wealth and success is not necessarily what we might have initially thought. When we get started in our businesses, we tend to focus mainly on the financial aspects of our industry and the promise of unlimited income if we put in the hard yards. We can get completely lost in our ambitions to build huge teams in multiple countries and reap the rewards of large cheques, vacations and bonuses. When in truth, the experience of success and wealth can be quite different and unique to every single person. To me, the absence of these does not mean you are not wealthy and/or successful. You can have huge cheques, but your entire organization may not like you. You can have teams in multiple countries around the world and not have a huge cheque. And likewise, you can achieve vacations without having a huge team nor cheque. Again, it’s very subjective and the experience of it is quite variable, but mainly it all depends on your mindset and predominant thoughts.

The moral of this article is if you are feeling close to quitting because you don’t feel you are experiencing the wealth, success, health and wellness fulfilment you were hoping to when you signed that Distributor Agreement (and if you are, then you are not alone – it’s probably the biggest cause of attrition in our industry), then perhaps what you may need to consider is your own individual understanding of what each of these means to you. Hopefully I have managed to transform your perspective. Feel free to share this with your teams.


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