Well firstly let’s define what exactly “Shiny New Object” Syndrome is.  It’s purely a lack of focus.  It’s jumping from this thing to that thing to that thing to that thing.  I see this a lot in MLM/Network Marketing – people jumping from company to company searching for that next best thing.  The new ground floor opportunity.  The better product, comp plan etc etc.  That next training that will completely transform their business and their life.  I know – I’ve been there.  For a period I spent so much time and money on training, training, training – I became an absolute addict, completely convinced that this next training was going to guarantee immediate income in my pocket.  The problem with this attitude, is that it becomes a massive distraction from what we should be doing.

I recently learned in – funnily enough – a coaching program I’m doing that raised this notion that so many business owners (and coaches especially) spend so much time on training that their skill is exceptional, however their bottom line is crap.  They are essentially broke.  It’s a bit like the Law of Attraction.  The biggest criticism of the movie “The Secret” was that there was too much emphasis on the three step process – decide, ask and receive.  It was too ambiguous and it left out the biggest step of all – taking action.  Wanting something is all well and good, however in most cases the Universe/God/Spirit will keep bringing into your reality exactly that – your wanting of that thing instead of bringing the thing to you.  You have to take action towards your goals, not simply visualize and do your affirmations and meditate and read and watch and listen to personal development and focus on your goals.  You have to actually move in the direction of them.

The Bible even teaches this.  “If a man won’t go to work, don’t feed him.”  “We are co-labourers in Christ.”  This is a foundational truth.  I know of so many people who do so much work on personal development and yet after years and years of telling me what their goals are, they just don’t move any closer towards them.  And it is purely because of a lack of focus and lack of taking action.  And usually caused by this thing called “Shiny New Object” Syndrome.  They do something for a while, feel that it isn’t working, then skip off to something else.

So here’s some words to remember and make your mantra if you are shooting for something – vision, focus, clarity, dedication, consistency, persistence, patience.  If things aren’t quite going the way you would like, check in with you.  Most often it is what is going on with you – not the training, business, coach or whoever.  Stop externalizing your excuses.  Be responsible and when you make a commitment to something, see it through.  You will see the rewards of your efforts.  After all, how would you ever know where success is if you quit what you’re doing and bounce over to the next thing?  Your next big break could be just around the corner so hang in there baby!


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