This last week I have learned the valuable lesson of the Law of Allowing, which defined means the freedom to allow circumstances to be what they are and people to be who they are, irrespective of whether you agree with them or not.  Allowing the Universe/God/Spirit to weave its magic.  For some really unknown reason, last week I managed to succumb to the dreaded “lurgy” – and this bug managed to put me in bed for nearly a week!  I don’t even remember the last time I felt so bad (aside from when I was pregnant).  Every muscle in my body ached, I had a pounding headache, I felt exhausted constantly, had no appetite, could not stop sneezing and coughing and just did not feel like doing anything aside from sleeping.  Now I know we all feel like this at some time or another in life.  For some of us, more than others and the reasons for that can be many and varied, of which I won’t go into here because it’s not relevant to what I am talking about here.  To some degree I also learned about the Law of Rhythm also.

Initially I had a temper tantrum.  In the past I used to get sick quite a lot due to my asthma and allergies so being in bed for a week used to be nothing unusual for me.  However, I haven’t experienced that in many years.  Because I really had no idea where this was going to go in terms of how intensely bad I would feel and for how long, I was angry about my plans going astray.  Then I became mildly annoyed at the fact that I had so much work to do and that I wouldn’t be getting to it.  Then miffed at not being able to spend quality time with my family  And then quite unexpectedly, I just let it all go.  I knew that the work wouldn’t get done.  I knew that my momentum would be affected.  I knew that my progress would be set back.  But you know what – there was really nothing that I could do about it.

Sometimes you just have to look at circumstances from a different vantage point.  Instead of thinking that something went wrong, you could see it as something that went unexpectedly well – but for reasons not yet apparent.  Obviously, I was meant to take a break.  Sometimes you just have to listen to your body, because a lot of the time it has a lot to say!  We’ve all heard stories of people who have died “suddenly” but in reality, their bodies were telling them for years that something wasn’t right and they ignored it.

Now some of you reading this will know that I’m a Christian.  I talk to my God daily about all sorts of things – in much the same way that I would talk to my BFF.  Yesterday morning when out walking my dog Zara, I asked Him will I ever achieve the goals I have set for myself because sometimes I just feel as though life is constantly getting in the way.  Now He didn’t have an immediate answer – just telling me that an answer would come.  And boy did it ever!  I was on two webinars last night and one of them was like a lightning strike from the sky.  During this webinar the presenter said that it is important to focus on the journey, the progress, the steps, the actions, the doing instead of the outcomes and the outcomes will take care of themselves.  It was like God himself was speaking directly to me.  And there lies the lesson.

The only limitations are those that we place on ourselves.  The only deadlines are those we give ourselves.  The only “loss” is the loss we bring ourselves.  There are no failures – only lessons.  And you can only fail forward.  There is no ‘losing time’.  Only that which we perceive it.  Sometimes in life when you feel as though things are out of your control, stop trying to control them!  Sometimes you just have to let go and allow things to be as they are.  Believe me, the more you push against something, the more it will appear.  The more you want something, you more you will remain in the vibration of want.  It’s a bit like the “War On Drugs” – it creates more drugs.  Ice wasn’t around 10 – 20 years ago and look at the epidemic it is now.  We have to learn to quieten our innate yearning to control, to overpower, to contrive, to narrate.  Have faith in the knowing that the Universe/God/Spirit usually has bigger and better plans – but only if you allow them to come.


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