This thought came to me this morning.  I am a member of so many and varied fantastic communities from Meet Up Groups to online groups, fellow students I’ve met through my Life Coaching training and even clients and the most amazing thing I have learned is how many amazing women there are in this current day and age.  I think it is safe to say that women, more so than ever before in history, are juggling WAY more than what they did even 10 years ago.  5 even.  Now I’m not saying this in anyway to trivialize men, however when you compare the typical stereotypes of how women have been viewed over the years, those moulds I think have been well and truly shattered in recent time.

So let’s have a closer look at this.  I would argue that people are living a much higher quality of life these days and that has been greatly affected by women re-entering, staying or entering the work place in some shape or form.  A very high percentage of households now have more than one stream of income coming in.  Women today are now realizing and starting to realize that they really can have it all.  They can live where they choose to live, drive the car they want to drive, pick the School they want their child to attend.  I’ve been absolutely astounded at the amount of other Mothers at the School my son attends who not only work, but run businesses from home and how varied the cross-section is.  Anything from farming, to equestrian to personal training, to coaching – all manner of vocations.

Women now realize that they don’t need to be in the traditional corporate environment in order to contribute to the household.  And I don’t use the word contribute lightly either.  There are plenty of Dads I see dropping off and picking up their kids too!  I’m seeing more and more people – such as myself – leaving the corporate ‘cubicle life’ I like to call it and realizing that there are other opportunities and there are!  There are so many and many more than ever before.

Just have a look at the Jims franchise and see how much they have grown over the years.  They now just about do anything!  From gardening, to looking after your pool, your computer, book-keeping – you name it.  And this is becoming increasingly attractive to the many.  And why not?  Low start-up, low risk, guaranteed income, you control your hours.  Sounds ideal right?

People’s attitudes are starting to change with relation to working from home now which I personally find incredibly exciting.  Working from home to me is not just a lifestyle thing, it’s environmental and economic too.  It gets cars off our congested roads, it reduces stress, sick days are less because you’re not having to share other workers’ germs, saves money so people can then funnel that saved money back into other sectors of the economy.  It just has a fabulous flow-on affect all round really.

Mums can work around their kids schedules and not feel that enormous guilt that so many do in leaving their kids with others.  They have complete control over their own schedules and that is incredibly empowering.  I am always excited, particularly as I am a coach and mentor, in hearing from other women in what they are up to.  And believe me, they are up to a LOT!  Women are just cramming more and more and more into their lives and contributing more to the home and society than ever.  And this has a tremendous emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual affect.  Women now are taking greater control of their finances, their health, their wealth, scheduling more time for fun and giving back.  How fabulous is that?

And now even more Dads are working from home – the roles are well and truly shifting.  I absolutely love that my partner has a tremendous amount of flexibility with working from home arrangements – it makes a huge difference to our quality of life to know that when there’s a School meeting or I’m not well, he can be there without having to negotiate “Carers Leave” or “Annual Leave’ with his boss.

There is no doubt, the traditional roles have made a colossal shift in recent time and I for one will be watching with great interest and excitement where it goes into the future.  You only have to look at social media really to gain a greater understanding of where women are up to these days and I think it is one of the most exciting shifts socially in quite some time.

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