Your Income Follows Your Personal Growth.

Your Income Follows Your Personal Growth.

I know, I know, I know!!!  You’ve heard it a million times before.  From your upline.  From your company executives.  From all manner of trainers.  But do you really get it?  I mean really, really understand what it means exactly?  To be honest, I thought I had it...
Starting Strong

Starting Strong

Now I will admit to being a lazy slacker.  I have been known to sleep in until between 8 and 9am.  I’ve also been known to wander around the house aimlessly until Midday.  I’ve avoided making calls.  I’ve put off doing stuff.  But I mean, HAVEN’T WE ALL???  I think...
Take A Day Off

Take A Day Off

With the ever increasing pressures of modern day life – work, kids, spouse, running a household etc etc, the priorities that compel us all are probably stronger than ever I would argue. I’m finding that as time goes by, I am cramming more and more into each and every...