It was said by Bob Doyle in the movie “The Secret” that people who stub their toe out of bed in the morning tend to set up their day accordingly.  In other words, if something happens first thing to put themselves in a bad energy, then they attract more of that.  Law of Attraction philosophy for any of you that are not quite with me there.  And I find it is so incredibly true.  I’m currently 19 weeks pregnant and if I wake up in pain and/or nauseous, it’s pretty damn challenging to snap myself out of that.  But if we wake up feeling energetic, excited and ready for our day, how well does the day flow?

I like to start off my day doing some exercise because it does raise your endorphin levels and makes you feel good straight away.  Then I like to do some visualizations, meditate and pray for a bit, affirmations, write in my gratitude journal, diary and dreams diary, read my goals and do a bit of personal development reading too.  This starts my day off mentally well, spiritually well, physically well and vibrationally well more importantly.  How better way to set the day off than by balancing oneself in this way?

I have found, just as equally though, that if I don’t do these things, then the day doesn’t necessarily go the same way.  And this is purely because of where I am vibrationally.  If I’m not feeling great to start the day, then I won’t continue to feel that way.  It’s incredibly empowering not only doing this, but just having this knowledge.  Now I’m not saying that I’m perfect at getting this done every day – and being pregnant has made it an even bigger challenge – but the days I do, I just feel so incredible, so bulletproof like nothing could upset my great mood and so energized that I just can’t wait to get my day started and see what unfolds.  And what unfolds is typically wonderful surprises that I couldn’t possibly have forseen.

My mind functions so much more open so I can see opportunities a lot clearer.  I breathe a lot deeper because of the exercise I do to start the day in nice crisp, clean, fresh air.  As I said earlier, the release of endorphins just makes you feel good in itself.  Someone once said that exercise is the most underutilized and under-prescribed therapy there is for depression and it’s true!  It’s all about achieving that balance and unity within yourself.  Giving yourself that quiet time early in the morning just does something for the soul.  Particularly if you are able to watch the sunrise whilst doing these things.  I just love the quiet, the stillness, the solitude of it.  The peace it brings is immense.

It’s just me, but I enjoy doing this by myself.  It’s my personal quiet time after my partner has gone to work and before my son gets up for School.  Quite frankly, it’s the ONLY ‘me’ time I get all day long really.  And I truly relish it.  It clears the mind and allows one to think much more clearer.  It relaxes the body and de-stresses.  It connects oneself with source energy – whatever that means to you.  And sets in motion an energy frequency that is much more easy to maintain throughout the course of the day when you can clearly be in touch with that feeling.

The easiest way to test this out is to try it out for a week and see how it works out for you.  Prepare some affirmations and visualizations for how you want your life to look and say them – preferably out loud – every morning for a week.  If you are religious, pray, otherwise meditate.  Focus on your breathing for at least 5 minutes.  Read some uplifting books or listen to some CDs.  Keep a gratitude journal and set yourself a target of how many things are you grateful for in your life.  And also just keep a diary.  Write down the things that happened the day before and how you feel about them.  There is something very freeing about writing stuff down – particularly if you had a bad day.  Write them down and release them.

So give it a go for a week and let me know how you went with it.  I’m guessing your days will run so much more smoothly because your attitude towards them was much more positive and open.  If you don’t believe me, then I guess continue doing what you’re doing now.  But if life isn’t working out that well for you, now you know how to change it simply by starting your day out on the right foot.  Give it a go!

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