Let’s get straight to it today.  My next reason for people being so competitive in our industry is ego.  My deal is way better than your deal – you just don’t know it yet.  And the uber competitives – the ones who get in it to just win!  They have a point to prove and they are going to show everyone how easy it is and how much money they will make and how much better they will be than everybody else.  Insecurity 101.

I get approached fairly constantly by other Networkers trying to get me into their deal.  I appreciate their bravado, but personally I’ve never really believed in the ‘4 foot’ rule nor do I consider it ethical to try and poach people from other companies.  For me, I don’t really want to work with someone who doesn’t share the same depth of integrity as me.

Some years ago, I got carried away with a guy who successfully convinced me that the best way to succeed in Network Marketing was to join multiple companies.  It seemed like a pretty good idea at the time.  Looking back, it was completely ridiculous!  Total lack of focus not to mention the expense of multiple autoships!  I always do find it fascinating, however, how others recruit.  This guy recruited other Networkers but he was clever – he told you to continue doing what you were doing but to also partner with him in this, that and the other and he wasn’t backwards in telling me that he was raking it in doing it.  He had a very clever sales spiel.  There’s actually another quite high profile Network Marketing trainer in the United States who also pushes this theory of recruiting other Networkers.  And I don’t apologize for having an argument with him over it too.  Sorry, but I just don’t subscribe to it being an equitable way of doing business.  It’s not a win-win for everyone and I firmly believe in that philosophy and thus why I love this industry so much.  For me, it’s only when win-win scenarios are created that money is made and tends to stick around.  I can sleep at night knowing I haven’t trodden on someone else in order to make that money.

Next is greed.  There’s a lot of people out there who will do anything for a buck.  They will beg, borrow and steal from their own Grandmothers if it made them some money.  You know the types right?  Along with being the competitive Networkers in our industry, they are also the manipulators.  You go to your company convention and you see the so-called “heavy hitters” (and believe me when I tell you that in most cases, they are not doing as well as they look and/or say).  They arrive in their Porsche, with their blonde bombshell wife on their arm in their Armani suit and start their training with showing you their Penthouse apartment and the Ferrari they have just ordered and the yacht they just bought along with pictures of their recent trip to Monte Carlo.  Personally, doesn’t impress me a bit.  I’m not extravagant like that – yes I live on acreage and yes I own a few cars, but none of them are Porsches, Ferraris or Lamborghinis (don’t want any of them to be honest) and yes I live in a large house, but I don’t have servants and Butler’s Pantries and Guest Quarters and plunge pools etc etc etc.  Unnecessary expenses to me.  Would rather use the money to make more money and help more people.  But that is just me.  And please don’t take me as a cynic because I’m not – all things to all people.  Some like to have loads of bling and that’s fine.  But watch these people.  More often than not, they are in a LOT of debt and invariably won’t be living in that same location in a years time nor driving the same expensive luxury car.  Now I’m not calling these people fakes and frauds, but sometimes small details are omitted because let’s face it – the story always sounds better than the facts doesn’t it?  And we get sold on the stories don’t we?  The people I have most respected over the years that I have worked with in this industry have driven old cars, lived in rented accommodation, fly economy and shop frugally.  And believe me when I say that loads of millionaires live the same – they don’t all have Donald Trump lifestyles.

So my advice is to watch out for the greedy types – they are essentially just interested in your credit card more so than wanting to help you succeed.  Don’t be lured by the Rolex watches and the fancy 5-star hotels, lear jets and First Class flights.  What this tells me is that they want me to keep paying for that lifestyle.  I had a sponsor like this once and she leaned on me HARD.  Not exactly a conducive environment for production is it when you have someone calling you every five minutes demanding to know how many people you have called for the week?  Obviously, I left that company.  And yet again, there are trainers that teach this.  “Call people up and let them know I’m close to the bonus this month.”  Pfft.  At the end of the day, people want what THEY want – they are not that interested in helping YOU get that Mercedes you’ve always wanted.

Unfortunately a lot of Networking companies out there have pay plans that are structured in such a way that the guy getting started has to work his ringtail off to get anywhere only benefitting the ‘heavy hitters’ at the top.  This should be part of your research so make sure you get my 30 Day Bootcamp on how to properly research a company before you get started.  It will save you a lot of heartache.  Also check back on my two posts about finding common ground with your enroller.  If you want the Rolex watch, the Penthouse Apartment at the Waldorf Astoria and want to fly First Class with Emirates then absolutely – find someone who has achieved all of that already and can teach you how to do the same.  All I am saying is just beware – be sure they are not seeing you as their next First Class ticket to Paris!

In closing this two-part article, I would encourage you to be a collaborative Networker.  Get outside training.  Do the research on the company you are interested in before you get started.  Even research your potential new enroller – find them on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In.  Learn more about who they are.  Don’t fall for the rhetoric that is often spewed out all over new starters that you HAVE to ONLY follow their way of doing things.  Absolutely do that, but always be open to discussion with other Networkers, other trainers.  Be green.  There are a LOT of trainers out there and find one that resonates with you, just as you do an enroller.  Don’t stick your head in the sand once you get started.  Believe me, I’ve been in situations before where the guy flogging his online system didn’t test it in my local market and I blindly believed what he was saying and doing.  And I lost money.  Lots of it.  Had I shared what I was doing with another Networker outside of my company, I could have learned to recognize what was happening and saved myself money.  As I said earlier, let’s all encourage one another and be Evangelists and Ambassadors for our industry.  Let’s operate ethically, with the highest standards of integrity and credibility and be an example for others to follow.  It has to start somewhere, so let it be with you.  Let me know your thoughts.

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