I read an article today on klout.com written by another Networker on the simplicities of our business and why she loves it so much.  So I thought I would do the exact same.  Call me a copy cat!  In retrospect, however, I did note that I haven’t shared my thoughts on this topic – I’ve commented more on specific issues so here are my reasons for why I love network marketing so much.

  1. Freedom

Firstly, I don’t have any bosses to answer to.  My sponsor in my network marketing business does not breathe down my neck, does not check as to what time I ‘clock in and clock off’, doesn’t tell me what time I can take breaks or go to lunch, I don’t have to fill out leave forms in order to take time off nor do I have annual ‘reviews’ with pitiful pay increases.  I direct all of this myself.  Yes, it requires discipline in some contexts, but mostly my days are predicated by my clients – not my ‘boss’.


  1. Tax Benefits

I don’t pay the same rate of tax as an employee does.  In fact, working from home is awesome because I can claim most of my household expenses as a deduction because my home is my office.  Office stationery, internet, phones, power, gas and water bills, even a portion of my mortgage payments (do check your Accountant as to your particular financial situation though – I’m not qualified to counsel you in anyway on this subject).  In general, however, businesses pay different tax rates than an employee and again, in general, employees are the highest taxed!  No thanks!!  I want more money in my pocket Mr Tax Man thank you very much.  It is possible to pay zero tax.  Read more about this from one of Robert Kiyosaki’s books in the “Rich Dad Poor Dad” series and find out why he openly recommends our business.


  1. Relationships

I have made some very long-standing relationships over the years through this business – more so than anyone I have worked with in an office.  Why is this?  Because I guess people truly appreciate what you are doing for them.  You are helping them to succeed.  You become a coach, mentor, counsellor and friend all in one.  Some people are just looking to make an extra $500 a month to help out with their bills and when you can help someone do that, it is tremendously fulfilling when they say a very heartfelt thanks.  It has meaning – far deeper than a friendship formed simply by sitting in the next cubicle to someone.


  1. Personal Development

I think it is fair to say that most workplaces don’t encourage you to better yourself from a personal point of view.  Sure they want you to go on courses to improve your technical skills, but when was the last time your boss gave you a copy of one of Jim Rohn’s books, or “Think and Grow Rich” the Napoleon Hill classic or “The Richest Man In Babylon”?  Never I am guessing.  Nowhere else have I ever observed such a business where improving yourself is not only embraced – it is considered essential.  I never really fully considered personal growth before I came into this business and now it’s a staple part of my day – whether it’s watching videos, reading books, listening to audios.  I do not go a single day without doing something to feed my mind.  This business can be an emotional rollercoaster and if you don’t do something to keep your attitude in check, I have found you won’t stick it out.


  1. It’s The Fairest Compensation In The World

Sure you have to work your butt off in the beginning for not much at all, but if you have found a company with a great pay plan, you will be rewarded far greater than the effort you have put in over time.  It’s the ONLY place that I know of where you can retire inside of 5 years quite realistically, without the overheads nor the debt involved with real estate and/or share trading.  It won’t take a huge upfront investment – buying an investment property will.  You won’t have to go to your bank manager for a massive loan and put your house up as equity.  Buying real estate you will.  And you’ll be able to sleep at night knowing you don’t have this enormous debt on your shoulders.  Now I’m not ‘poo pooing’ real estate as an investment – I do so myself.  HOWEVER – network marketing is the only place where you can get started for peanuts and build an empire.  Your income is only capped by your imagination.

I could, obviously, go on and on forever about what I love about our industry, but these are the main ones.  I like to keep things simple – another benefit of our business.  If you’ve been considering an opportunity in our industry, give it a good, honest look.  Sign up for my FREE 30 day bootcamp and learn more about how to effectively research a company.  But do it!  Go for it!  You never know – you could be the very next success story.

For more hints and tips on success & wealth creation, leadership training, personal development and entrepreneurship, like our Facebook page at:  www.Facebook.com/NoIncomeLimitBusiness