I felt it really was a requirement to define what these words really mean in today’s terms because I feel quite strongly that the definitions have changed quite dramatically over time and what people considered rich and abundant 100 years ago, just does not apply anymore.

So let’s start with the word “rich”.  What images does it conjure up?  The “Richie Rich” cartoon?  A wealthy person living in a huge castle like home in the countryside of the UK driving around in a chauffeur driven Bentley and stepping into their private jet to take business meetings in the Middle East?  Well the Oxford Dictionary definite of the word “rich” does mean having a lot of money or property, but did you know that it also has 9 other meanings that have absolutely nothing at all to do with the accumulation of cash?  Interesting isn’t it?  People choose to focus on one thing but ignore the 9 others that equally contribute to the meaning.  Here’s a list below of the other 9:

  1. People gathering that have a lot of money and property – “a favourite resort of the rich and famous”;
  2. A country producing wealth to ensure a high standard of living for its residents – “a rich economy/nation/country”;
  3. Interesting and full of variety – “she led a very rich and varied life”;
  4. Containing or providing a large supply of something – “oranges are rich in vitamin C”;
  5. Containing a lot of fat, butter, eggs etc – “a rich and creamy sauce”;
  6. Containing substances that make it good for growing – “a rich well drained soil”;
  7. Of colours, sounds, smells, tastes or deep, beautiful or pleasing – “a rich dark red”;
  8. Expensive and beautiful  – “the rooms were decorated with rich fabrics”.

So you see, we can choose to focus on just the one meaning according to our own perspectives or we can choose to accept that the word can have multiple meanings according to the context of discussion.  I personally consider myself to be very rich, however I don’t have what many people would consider to be huge sums of cash in the bank nor own a lot of property.  I live what I consider to be an interesting and varied life where most of what I need and want is in an abundant supply and feel as though the environment that I live in is conducive to that.  See the difference and in how it feels in reading it as opposed to just saying I’m rich and the connotations that surrounds that.

Now let’s move on to the word “abundance” as I have mentioned that quickly in the last paragraph.  Again this is a word that has 5 meanings.  So yes, it does mean a very large quantity of something, BUT it also applies to plentifulness, prosperity, volume and good things in life.  No matter where you are right now, I bet you could find something you are experiencing in your life in an abundance.  An abundance of love.  An abundance of happiness.  An abundance of caring.  An abundance of understanding.  A bit different than just focussing, again as in with the word “rich”, on just money alone.

This concept of really understanding the definition of different words as can be referred to money just cannot be understated.  Everything in life is ALL about your own perception of it.  Just as with a car accident, there are ALWAYS two side of a story of an exactly identical event.  The most important concept to learn with respect to the Law of Attraction is what your predominant vibration is.  And only you can choose what that is.  If you constantly focus on these types of words meaning purely cash, money etc and your lack of it, then guess what?  You’re going to get more of that because that is your predominant vibration.  But if you can focus your attention on feeling rich and abundant with the love, caring, understanding and joy that surrounds you, I can absolutely guarantee you that the Universe/God/Spirit will deliver to you in lightning fast time every little thing that your heart desires.  You see I don’t care so much about the size of my bank account.  What I care about is what the cash can do for not just me, but for my family and community.  Give it a try.  Look at circumstances and events from a different perspective and I promise you, life will give you a different version of events.  Have fun and please share your experiences with this.  This is really powerful stuff, so I would love it if you could share this on with your teams, associates and others.  The only way to turn the world around is to start with yourself.


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