Now if you know nothing of the Law of Attraction, I’m sure you will find that title somewhat confusing. You probably think frequency in terms of radio frequency or how often you do something. Even if you do understand the principles of the Law, this may seem a little ambiguous. But I would argue that it is the single most important concept that we as human beings absolutely need to understand if we are experience all of the wonderful things life has to offer – joy, love, peace, appreciation, fulfilment, satisfaction. All the good stuff.

How many completely miserable babies and toddlers do you know? I’m guessing you would answer “none”. Most babies and toddlers are pretty happy most of the time (the only they are not is when they are tired and hungry I would argue). So what happens to us exactly as we get older that leads to many of us living lives of mediocrity, want, lost dreams, “Groundhog Day” – whatever you want to call it? Some may say it’s environment and that’s true – to a point. Some may say it’s our upbringing and again that’s true – to a point. Some may also say it’s our education and again, true – to a point.

Fundamentally, it is completely irrelevant how we were raised, where we were raised, who raised us and what education we had. What is relevant is what is going on between our ears. What is even more important is the energy vibration – or frequency – that we emit. You see The Universe/God/Spirit – whatever name you give it – is always listening to how we feel. And it’s our feelings – more important than our thoughts as thoughts are always the product of our feelings – that send out that message to The Universe/God/Spirit that will be attracted straight back to us. It’s the most important concept to understand. If we are constantly feeling thoughts of “I’m no good” or “I can’t do this” or worse “I’m useless, hopeless” whatever, then our emotions firstly are what dictate those thoughts. And if we have those thoughts on a fairly regular basis, then it becomes like a Catch 22 situation because your thoughts will continue to give your emotions feedback to continue feeling a certain way. Backward and forwards we go.

But if we can find some way of breaking that cycle – little bit, by little bit, then we can, ultimately, completely transform your life. Sounds ridiculous simplistic, but it’s true. I always challenge anyone who doesn’t believe in the Law of Attraction to feel crap about themselves and be angry for a prescribed period of time – say a week. And then let me know what happened that week. People will generally either say “nothing” or start complaining about all of the things that went wrong for them that week. No surprise from my end. They attracted it with their predominant frequency, vibration or more easily described – their emotions.

You see our emotions are a frequency that can be heard. And the message is always like a magnet – repeated straight back. If you notice yourself feeling a particularly negative emotion, really ask yourself would you like to see the tangible result of that emotion show up in your life? Some people are left constantly wondering why bad things happen to them seemingly all the time. We all know these people, right? The ones who just seem have bad luck happen to them all of the time. Disaster-prone. Why do the good die young? You may have even said some of these things yourself at some point or another.

The easiest way to consider what I’ve talked about today is to simply see yourself as a magnet. Be what you want to see in your life. If you want more joy, then be joy (and when I say be, I mean at an emotional level). If you want more love, be love. If you want satisfaction, then be that. Now I’m not going to tell you that this is easy. It can take some of us many long years of work to rid ourselves of negative programming. But what I can say, is that it is entirely possible. It’s up to you. It’s all a choice. Everything in life is.

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