Sounds a bit cliché doesn’t it?  “Just do what makes you happy”.  But in all seriousness, it’s completely true.  Did you know that the most overprescribed drug there is in the world right now is anti-depressants?  Why is this?  Why are so many people struggling with being happy?  For me personally, I think it’s because as a western society we are over-stimulated, over-busy, overly unhappy with our lives and thus our thirst for more deepens and we are also pressured in our jobs and work to do more with less with companies downsizing.  It’s not a very optimistic outlook is it?  Or is it?

Did you know that it only takes a few moments to quite literally shift your mindset?  You can and you can do it at anytime and anywhere.  No matter what is happening to you.  I’ve seen so much evidence for this too.  There are funerals that are quite literally celebrations and parties instead of the usual morbid, dreary and depressing events they usually are expected to be.  We’ve all heard the story about Thomas Edison.  He was so committed to seeing his vision to completion of finding a working incandescent light globe.  After thousands and thousands of failed attempts – he eventually did it.  But it was his love of what he was creating that kept him going.  Imagine what our lives and society would look like had he not continued on?  I would argue that most people would not continue on in the face of that degree of perceived failure.  But we are all essentially made of the same “stuff”, so why is it that some people are able to control their mindset and others are evidentially at the mercy of outside factors?

It all comes down to one’s beliefs and beliefs are always shaped in childhood.  We are influenced by our parents, teachers, other family members and sometimes friends.  We are also shaped by our environment.  Clearly people living in the Arctic will have different beliefs about the cold than someone who lives in Dubai for example.  If you were raised in an environment of lack – lack of money, resources, ideas – then that is something that will continue to show up for you later in life.  They are habits and often difficult to change, but it is possible.  We are only victims for as long as we think we are.

For the next 7 days I have a challenge for you.  When you notice yourself thinking a thought that you recognize as being a limiting belief – it could be an excuse, it could be procrastination – anything really that is stopping you from being who you really are – then take a moment to stop.  Do something that you really love for that moment.  It could be walking out in the sunshine, listening to a particular piece of music, get a massage – whatever will snap you out of it.  It could be something as simple as talking to someone you love.  Don’t waste a single minute thinking a negative thought when positive thoughts are so much more powerful.  I personally love the notion of considering if the thought you are thinking will manifest and if it was to, would it be what you wanted.  If it’s not serving you – next it and reach for something that will.  Because every moment of our lives is choice, whether you believe it, understand it or not.  We can all choose our next decision in every moment of our life.  So choose the good stuff.  Always.  And then watch miracles happen.

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