Obviously not of huge interest to me, but I guess to some it is. So I’ve attached some pictures to this blog post but what I really wanted to highlight here is that most successful people tend to do similar things in the morning and have similar things on their desks. So this isn’t about me going all arrogant and telling you what you should or shouldn’t have on your desk. It’s more about some key things that are important to surround yourself with if you are seeking success. I’ve created 5 key things with pictures and why I have them:

Quick motivational quotes. I have one that was given to me by a previous boss from years ago and a Louise Hay calendar. Sometimes you just need that little push when you come off a call with a challenging client or just having a bad day in general. An encouraging word can be all it takes sometimes to shake us out of it.

Essential Oils. If I know I’m going to be having a particularly difficult day or a long one, then I burn some oils that will put me in the right mood – right from the get go.

Stationery at arm’s length. Nothing worse than having to dig around to find the right pen when you need to take a credit card payment. Make sure you have the right stationery right at your fingertips.

Calendar/Day Book/Diary. these go without saying. We are in a business of appointments so it is important to know who you are talking to and when and what you have on at every moment of the day. Be organized as when your team grows, you absolutely need to managing your time efficiently if you are going to be supporting them to grow as well.

Laptop stand. I need to ensure my neck and shoulder health is taken care of so I make sure my posture is spot on. These cost very little online but can save a tonne of money in Physio bills down the track.

Hope these help. No doubt you’ll notice other little things on my desk but what you will notice is that there is not a huge amount of clutter. Everything on my desk is there for a reason and serves a purpose and I like to be as efficient in every aspect of my life as I possibly can. It definitely helps in maintaining my focus and productivity.


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