Thanks to the very fabulous Tracey Hall for giving me the inspiration for this blog post. You see it’s that time of year again. Christmas is coming up in exactly two weeks’. What I have noticed in all of the years I have been in Network Marketing is that people both inside of my team and outside of it do two things at this time of year – they either gear down justifying not working their business by holidays, Christmas parties etc etc or they power up getting ready for the rush of New Year. Which one are you?

There’s no right or wrong here either. But there is always a choice. And those positioning themselves now will be ready for a HUGE increase in business in January. Why is this? It’s simple. Most people in January have time off work and most don’t want to return. They start thinking about what lifestyle they would like. They start considering what it would be like to be at home more with their kids’, be able to pick up and travel whenever they want, they pause and reflect on the office politics where they work and how nice it would be to not have to deal with that anymore. January is THE MONTH when a LOT of people are starting to research what they can do from home. Are you ready?

I did a Facebook Live on this recently. Did you know that globally on average there are 400,000 people who get started in a Network Marketing business and well over 1 Million people looking? In January, those numbers almost double. Will you be ready for that? Do you want to miss out on that? Do you want to start out the year strong with serious business builders? If you answered no to any or all of those questions, maybe you need to reconsider what brought you into this business to begin with.

I’m not kidding you when I tell you that I’ve had people tell me months’ before December that they can’t do this or can’t attend that in January because of kids’, holidays’ etc etc. Could you imagine those of you working a job telling your boss that. “Oh I’m sorry boss but my kids’ are on holidays for 6 weeks’ over December/January – I won’t be coming to work.” You would be out of a job pretty fast. Well the exact same applies to your business. If you take 6 weeks’ off, your existing team will disappear faster than you can say it’s summer and if you are not adding to your team every month, you are not growing and if you are not growing, you are in decline. I know where I’d prefer to be!

So don’t be that percentage of Network Marketers who take December and January off. Be ready. Start preparing and planning now for all of the prospects you will be talking to about your opportunity. Make sure all of your systems are working perfectly and you have cleared your calendar each day to talk to people. Make sure you have a plan for how many people you will talk to every day, how many ads you are going to run etc etc and stick to it! Will there be a few that quit at the end of January – yes. Will there be some that quit before March – yes. That’s just the nature of our business. Your job is to trust the process and do the numbers. Back down a bit in December/January if you need to. But don’t put your business on hold. It will be business suicide I promise you.



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