Believe it or not, every single step you take in full integrity that you are moving in the direction of your dreams is worth celebrating! Isn’t life lived well worth celebrating? I think so. You have to crawl before you can stagger, before you can walk, before you can run. So celebrate the tiniest crawl. It’s all progress and taking you closer to where you really want to be.

For you to celebrate the wins, it’s important to recognize exactly what they look like. Are you a glass half empty kind of person or a glass half full? It starts here. If you see the glass as half empty, then you won’t see the wins. But if you see the glass half full, you will see wins happening all the time. Every minute, every hour, every day, every week, every month, every year. This is how you have to look at it. And from a Law of Attraction point of view, it’s imperative.

Each action you take has the potential for a win within in. You simply have to see it that way. And when there are so many wins all the time, it feels impossible to lose. As long as you are focused on your dreams and visions and goals and intentions and connect to the feelings of being there right now and being mindful of that, every step you make can absolutely be a win! Think about that.

If you are living your life to win instead of playing the game not to lose (there is a difference believe it or not), then life will continue to bring you things, people, circumstances etc that is worthy of celebrating. What a way to live your life!

And the more you do this, the more you will see results and the more you will want to do this. We live in a world that demands continual increase (just read Wallace Wattles “The Science of Getting Rich” which explains this perfectly). The natural order of the world is all about perpetual improvement and increase. It’s absolutely normal to want more, be more, see more, have more, do more. If you don’t, then check your pulse!

My challenge to you this week is to write down every single win. Now this is separate to a gratitude journal. It’s writing down every win every moment of the day. So keep a pen and notepad handy. When you achieve say five wins, celebrate. And this doesn’t have to be a grandiose occasion such as hiring a limousine and checking into the Ritz Carlton for a week. It can be something super simple as taking yourself out for a move, buying that dress you’ve always wanted, that new pair of Nike trainers you’ve had your eye on, walking along the beach with a loved one, enjoying your favourite meal in your favourite restaurant. Whatever is meaningful to you. Just don’t go into debt for it, okay? Do this every single day for a month until it becomes a habit and then review. Have fun with is and as always, feel good about doing it. Because I want for you to love your life, be well and create results.