Ask yourself this question – do you love change or are you fearful of it?  If you’re fearful, really ask yourself some harder and deeper questions.  Most times fear of something typically comes from a memory of what you perceive to be a similar event that was unpleasant to you.  However, even negative life events always have the seed of learning and growth within them.  Network Marketing is absolutely a business of constant learning, change and growth.  In fact, those who learn and grow the most, win!  Change truly is the only constant in life, so how can we really embrace change even if we are terrified by it?  Here’s some hacks:

  1. STAR – Stop, Think, Assess, Respond.  When confronted with change, don’t do anything initially.  Go and do something you love that brings you peace.  I often find that when my mind is quiet, solutions to seemingly impossible situations often come.
  2. Write a list of pros and cons about whatever it is that is changing.  Often the very thing we worry about the most, never actually happens.  I think statistically it’s something like less than 5% of what we worry about actually comes about.  By writing out the pros and cons of any situation, it will support you in arriving at a conclusion that you are content with and bring with it greater clarity and focus.
  3. Recognize when fight or flight kicks in and refer again to number one – STAR.
  4. You don’t need to know the end game.  You do, however, need to know what your goal is in any situation but you don’t necessarily need to know all of the details.  It’s amazing once you make a decision, that the Universe/God/Spirit/Energy – whatever you want to call it – always conspires to bring you the fastest, most efficient, most effective way to solve your problem.  Always leave the details up to the Universe/God/Spirit/Energy.
  5. Talk to someone you trust.  The very act of just talking something out loud brings tremendous calm and peace and often, solutions.
  6. Recognize that we don’t always have the answers to all of life’s problems.  If everyone knew what next weeks’ winning lottery numbers were, we would have a bigger problem – yes?  Uncertainty is just a part of life – tomorrow is not promised to anyone irrespective of how much your life might look like “Groundhog Day”.

Even if you find this list a little overwhelming, just start with one thing and implement that and go from there.  The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.  Go easy on yourself – don’t expect to make massive shifts overnight.  Celebrate the small wins and build your change muscle over time.  Your Future Self is also there to support you in continually moving forward.  You’ve got this!